This blog has been created to raise awareness about Thyroid Cancer and Neuro-Endocrine Disorders. It's, purpose is to link you to support services, medical information and resources we have gathered and researched evaluating Stevie JoEllie's thyroid cancer treatment options, multiple co-existing disorders and post thyroid cancer treatment complications.
We truly believe that if anyone in our family had known about, or understood the early warning signs, common symptons, genetic and environmental risks factors and major complications associated with thyroid disease; and how it all relates to overall health and wellness, including other life threatening medical conditions perhaps we would have been better prepared to make more aggressive diagnostic testing and treatment demands and/or decisions early on in this difficult journey for Stevie JoEllie and all of us.
Stevie JoEllie's Cancer Care Fund, seeks to partner with existing Thyroid Cancer and Endocrine Disorders Education Programs, Patient Advocacy Groups, Community and Corporate Sponsors, existing nonprofit programs/organizations, Psychological Counselors, other support groups and Complimentary-Alternative Medicine Consultants to help bring you the most complete relevant information you may not otherwise be aware of as you research your options and share our journey.
So, on behalf of all of us at Stevie JoEllie's Cancer Care Fund, our friends and volunteers that in one way or another have contributed to and are helping us create, develop and launch an access to care grant program for thyroid cancer patients and survivors nationwide: THANK YOU!
Wilma Colon Ariza, Founder
Stevie JoEllie's Cancer Care Fund